Perhaps for those of you that have a CD collection software, music, video, and others have studied kesel ama temen without the permission of your CD collection you borrow, if at Untung cd still restore the situation seprti but what if the cd is even goresannya add? that have puzzled even mo nyuruh change what I can change no loss ......?
Perhaps for those of you that have a CD collection software, music, video, and others have studied kesel ama temen without the permission of your CD collection you borrow, if at Untung cd still restore the situation seprti but what if the cd is even goresannya add? that have puzzled even mo nyuruh change what I can change no loss?
Well here I have a few tips for your users visual basic. Tips are only valid for the Windows operating system but for those of you who like utak especial use on other operating systems. The principle that I want to do is as follows:
1. CD can only be used for the computer that our recommendations only.
2. CD will be out of the cdrom if it is not appropriate that we would want.
Now for those of you who may often berkutat with VB I do not think will have a problem with the work to be done or even this is a job peas. Use of the CD can only be on the computer we have recommendations how this can be done! Perhaps each person will have a different way but here I will submit one of the ways that can be used. How will I do is by reading the serial Disk on the computer. So why do I use this? This is because I take each Disk serialnya different on each operating system. So even if a Disk in the Disk, but if there is some operating system then serialnya akan different.
To sourcenya is as follows:
Source Code Form
Private Sub Form_Load ()
Dim buffer As String * 255
Dim d As Long
Dim Y
X = GetPrivateProfileString ( "SERIAL", "NO", "(error)", _
buffer, 255, "C: \ bowoCD.ini") 'Read file
Y = Left (buffer, X)
If Y = "(error)" Then
retvalue = mciSendString ( "set CDaudio door open", _
retrunString, 127, 0) 'Exit Cd
If Y = sn ( "c:") & "-" & sn ( "d:") Then
MsgBox "Selamat cDNYa USING Bowo eKOWIDODo", _
vbInformation, "Bowo INFO" 'Show message
retvalue = mciSendString ( "set CDaudio door open", retrunString, _
127, 0) 'Exit Cd
End If
End If
End Sub
Source Code Module
Public Declare Function GetPrivateProfileString lib "kernel32" _
Alias "GetPrivateProfileStringA" (_ ByVal lpApplicationName
As String, ByVal lpKeyName As Any, ByVal lpDefault As String, _
ByVal lpReturnedString As String, ByVal nSize As Long, ByVal _
lpFileName As String) As Long
Public Declare Function mciSendString lib "winmm.dll" Alias _
"mciSendStringA" (ByVal lpstrCommand As String, ByVal _
lpstrReturnString As String, ByVal uReturnLength As Long, _
ByVal hwndCallback As Long) As Long
Public Declare Function GetVolumeInformation lib "kernel32" Alias _
"GetVolumeInformationA" (ByVal lpRootPathName As String, _
ByVal lpVolumeNameBuffer As String, _ ByVal nVolumeNameSize As
Long, lpVolumeSerialNumber As Long, _ lpMaximumComponentLength
As Long, lpFileSystemFlags As Long, ByVal _
lpFileSystemNameBuffer As String, _ ByVal nFileSystemNameSize
As Long) As Long
Sn Public Function (ByVal RootPatch As String) As String
As String Dim vollabel
As Long Dim volsize
Dim Serial As Long
As Long Dim MaxLen
Dim Flags As Long
Dim name As String
As Long Dim Namesize
Dim s As String
If GetVolumeInformation (RootPatch, vollabel, volsize, serial, _
MaxLen, Flags, name, Namesize) Then
s = Format (Hex (series), "00000000")
sn = Left (s, 4) + "-" + Right (s, 4)
sn = "0000-0000"
End If
End Function
Well after so you can mengeceknya first run with the Run or press F5 if it is correct then your cdrom akan keluar.
If you like it then has to be able to make the application exe from the File -> Make ... . exe. And wait until the process is complete save the document in your folder. Rename the file for example I cekcd.exe
The next step is to create applications that run when the CD input. How can I do with the make autorun cd autorun file to create. Open your text editor such as notepad and input source such as this
/--------------------- \
Source Code Aotorun
OPEN = cekcd.exe
ICON = cekcd.exe
\ ---------------------/
Save with the name autorun.inf on the map where you store cekcd.exe.
You see more in the table Source Code to the Form 5
GetPrivateProfileString ( "SERIAL", "NO", "(error)", buffer, 255, "C: \ bowoCD.ini")
Well here is c: \ bowoCD.ini the source file is being read
bowoCD.ini on kandar C with the name of the key and the Serial No and if
akan value not found (error). For that you need to create more
this file and stored on kandar C: \. To name the file as you can
but also to change the name of reading paper. Sourceya as
Source Code Aotorun
Save with the name and input value bowoCD.ini XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX appropriate serial Disk you. Now you're ready to burn your CD collection and do not forget to input file autoran.inf and cekcd.exe that you have made on the CD without any input in the map. To medapatkan serial is on the letter XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX, you can create applications using the distinctive Module Source Code and Source Code form, especially on line 11. May be used if there is such a question can ask on this web forum or ask directly to me.
Author: Bowo Ekowidodo @! @ Img11
Wah kapn saya bisa nulis bahasa inggris gini xi3... makasih dach di translate.. salam kenal